Moon Class with Beatrex

Meets in person at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time, every other Wednesday
Pay NowDownload Your Chart

These classes are designed to compliment “The Moon Book”, Beatrex’s Living By the Light of the Moon workbook, but in reality go far beyond it—Offering an in-depth and personalized look at what’s happening in the current cycle and how you can best take advantage of the support the Universe is offering.

This is not a “normal” astrology class about mathematics—it’s about experiencing and living the cycles of the Moon and the Sun. When you can experience and live these cycles and keep them going within yourself, you will be doing everything in tune with the cycles of Nature, and will live fully and grow harmoniously into wholeness.

Download and bring a printout of the preferred Astro-Chart (a.k.a. Natal Chart) for this class. You will need to be able to distinguish the houses and degrees. You will need to know the date, time, and place of your birth. Get yours here»

  • RSVP to let us know you’re coming 
  • Meets every other Wednesday
  • Class fee is $30 – cash, check, or Paypal
  • Begins promptly at 7 p.m. (PST)
  • Have your Moon Book on hand, and Tarot cards if you have them

⭐️ Get class reminders and details on how to join us emailed to you by signing up for our newsletter here»

If you are joining us for the first time, email your chart to Beatrex before 5 p.m. the day of class. Get your chart here»


10 + 8 =

Moon Class


Moon Book

Bring your Moon Book to class.
Purchase your copy

What students are saying...


The Moon Class helps you delve even deeper into the content of the Moon Book with the ever lovely and wise hostess, Beatrex, making you laugh along the way. The insights and spiritual wisdom she brings to the class is a perfect “10” every time. Thanks Beatrex!

Melinda Pajak

Beatrex Quntanna’s Moon Class and the Moon Book have provided me with a cosmic edge to flow more consciously and gracefully through life. All aspects of my life have improved as result of what I have learned from Beatrex.


San Diego, California

As a busy girl Beatrex provides an entry into the present moment and all of the power available within it. I use all of her tools and go to all of her classes because her infusion of positive and clarifying energy keeps me connected to love and compassion for myself and others. This to me is the biggest gift a person can offer—and being in Beatrex’s presence via her written or oral word gives me the way to develop my hightest and most loving vibration.


San Diego, California

Beatrex gives us insight to what is happening on planet Earth with her knowledge of the Moon and planet positions, and how it relates to our personal lives. This information allows me to process how to move forward, and validates my thoughts and concerns. Beatrex makes life so much easier!

Lee Ann Lilinthall

Carlsbad, California

I strongly recommend this class to anyone in search of understanding what is happening in this present time. Beatrex is my long time council, and one of my best friends.

Maria Yracébûrû

Tracker, Ceremonialist, Author,

I have been a student of Beatrex for several years. Her teachings have had profound effects on my life and spiritual growth. The energy of the teaching is healing, and Beatrex is able to channel that in a beautiful way. I find insight into the patterns of nature, paralleled in my personal experiences. Beatrex gives tools that make life easier and more like how we wish it could be. I am grateful for the teachings and pass them on to students, friends and family.

Hannah Lei Prunty

San Diego, California

Beatrex’s Moon class has been a way for me to stay connected, grounded, and keep perspective on all the ups and downs in my life—to know what’s really going on and that it’s not just me!

Jennifer Masters

Creative Queen, Artist, and Illustrator, Jennifer Masters Creative

I’ve attended only two months of moon classes and I feel so much more in tune with the current energy around me. With the Moon Book, and Moon Class, I’m able to synthesize what is going on inside of me in alignment to the moon, sun, and planetary energies. This knowledge helps me better decide when to turn inward and when to be out in action shining my light. I’ve had more movement in all aspects of my life in the past two months than I have had in years. I’m totally hooked on Beatrex’s class.

Jaime Lyerly

San Diego, California, Empowerment Artist

I have worked with Beatrex in a variety of ways for the last 6 years. Everything she knows is available for us to know. Her sessions and her books are all about giving us the tools to chart our own courses. Beatrex’s teachings and observations are always offered with humility and in support of our own self-chosen journeys. Oh, and it’s also a lot of fun!

