Beatrex Quntanna

Tarot expert, published author, symbolist, poet, and lecturer—Beatrex is one of the luminaries of our time. Since 1979, synthesizing many years of spiritual teachings, intuitive skills, and conventional counseling, she has translated this wealth of wisdom into practical language making it accessible to all and applicable in today’s world. Known for being “the teacher’s teacher,” her experience and advice have served as an invaluable support for many of today’s spiritual teachers and professional psychics. She guides with profound insight, compassion for the human experience, and humor; inspiring personal growth and activating an inner-knowing in her students that sparks a self-confidence to walk tall in this world as a spiritual being.

Her work shows how to Live Love Every Day by living astrology, not just intellectualizing it—teaching others how to ebb and flow with the natural cycles of the Moon and the cosmos, rather than working against them. She teaches this through Moon Classes held regularly throughout the year and is the creator of the 2024 Moon Book a popular annual workbook that takes you step-by-step through her process.

Beatrex has written the ultimate book on the Tarot and its symbols, Tarot: A Universal Language, which has been reviewed by magazines in Europe as well as in the United States. She is the creator and co-presenter of the popular Annual Tarot Workshop with Michael Makay, designed as a complete support system to enhance your understanding of how best to work with the transformative energies of the upcoming year.

Beatrex’s many print credits, as well as numerous radio, TV, and video appearances include:

Beatrex teaches ongoing astrology classes, facilitates a regular meditation group, and continues to be available for private group workshops in Encinitas, California.

Contact Beatrex

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