How To Use the Moon Book 2024
This course is based upon Beatrex Quntanna’s amazing Time to Manifest Moon Book which she produces every year following the sun and the moon through the signs of the Zodiac. Buy the book and then follow along in this course to find out how to use it to create magic and abundance in your life. The course includes:
- High-quality instructional videos on each aspect of the book
- A handout that makes it easy to follow along
- And the warmth and wisdom of Beatrex to carry you on your journey
Following the luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, through the zodiac and noting the cycles of illumination and reflection can bring you to a deeper creative experience of life. The Moon is the great cosmic architect, the builder and dissolver of form and foundation. The Full Moon is about dissolving, and the New Moon is about building. The Moon Book is a workbook that will assist you in knowing what to build and when, and what to dissolve and when and this video series helps you understand how to use the workbook easily and effortlessly.
Order the Moon Book here if you don’t already have it.