Medicine Buddha Prayer Circle

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The Medicine Buddha relieves suffering and illness on every level—physical, emotional, and mental. You don’t need to be a Buddhist to chant or participate because the Medicine Buddha has promised healing to All.

For the Benefit of All Sentient Beings…

Join us in person


Learn the Healing Power of Prayer Mantras

with Beatrex Quntanna

It takes community! Help us, along with the Medicine Buddha, generate a vortex of healing energy that will project out to All Beings and the planet. Mantra with the Medicine Buddha and meditate, learn prayer mantras handed down from Beatrex’s Tibetan Buddhist teacher, and experience a personalized healing chant circle.

  • We meet in Encinitas, California on scheduled dates
  • The class fee is $20.00
  • You must RSVP and let us know you will be joining us – or contact Beatrex for dates and directions

*No medical claims are made by Beatrex Quntanna, her associates, or Medicine Buddha Prayer Circle participants.
See a medical professional if you are in need of medical attention.

If you would like us to pray for you, please send us your name (or the name of the person to receive the blessing)

Names received before 5 pm on the day we gather will be included in that evening’s Prayer Circle.

Connect with us at home

Light a candle, and follow along with this video: Teyata by Deva Premal

The Medicine Buddha mantra is:

(Tay-ya-ta)  Om
Be-kan-dze  Be-kan-dze  Ma-ha  Be-kan-dze  Be-kan-dze
Ra-dza  Sa-mung-ga-te  So-ha

For your altar, you can download and print your own candle wrapper here»

Please consider making a donation for this service (account name is Art Ala Carte Publishing):

Medicine Buddha Prayer Circle

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