Everything You Ever Wanted is One Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
The soul’s purpose is to experience. The mind’s purpose is to judge and allow or deny the experience. The emotion’s purpose is to express or repress the experience. The body’s purpose is to facilitate or to store the experience.
Through the passageway of this axiom we can look within and see how deeply embedded our denial or determination is. This axiom shows us that our primal choice is to experience life through action and demonstrate how we allow judgment to stop the experience. When we deny our experience, we store it for a later date. In storing or warehousing our experience, we can trust that it will come up again, giving us an opportunity to complete.
Remember, thought precedes action. How often we get stuck in thought and never move to the allowing, expressing or facilitating part of the equation. The risk required for action is often uncomfortable. Taking a risk shows us whether or not we are committed to life and to ourselves. Making the statement, ”I’m going for it no matter what,” requires faith. (Faith cannot be determined without risk.) Everything you ever wanted is one step beyond your comfort zone.
If you are reading this today, you are being asked to go for it and experience the gusto that comes when you go one step beyond that which you have judged as comfortable.