by Beatrex | Feb 21, 2021 | Blog
The De-Polarization of Trauma
All Behavior Has Purpose … it is our unconscious software that runs us. Often we are unaware of the motivation behind our behavior. Looking beneath the surface in order to know ourselves on a deeper level releases us from repeating circumstances that hound us and bring us suffering.
Remember, anything we can’t deal with in the conscious world gets stored beneath the surface in a place that is called the shadow self. The shadow-self stores our unexpressed feelings and experiences. It then continues to repeat the events back to us over and over again, like a broken record, until it becomes obvious to the conscious mind.
It is now time to recognize and to become aware of the motivation underlying your behavior. Often this becomes difficult because of the amount of storage held beneath the surface. Begin by becoming aware of what stories you tell about yourself over and over again. The older the story, the bigger the storage. Write down the story and tell it to yourself…out loud. Then ask yourself how this story or theme has repeated itself over and over again. Ask yourself, what is the wisdom behind this repeated event, theme or story? In other words, what did I miss or what did I forget to learn from this experience?
If you are needing to go deeper to access your underworld, your shadow self, write down a list of what you hate or judge on a continual basis. Say the list out loud and then ask yourself what story goes with the judgment or feeling of hate. This will get you to your underworld. You will become more aware of yourself and begin to release storage that keeps you from utilizing your full power in the present moment.
by Beatrex | Nov 22, 2016 | Blog
Peace is a polarity. Opposites (polarities) work hand-in-hand, so when we focus on one aspect of a polarity we give energy to the opposite end of the polarity. In other words, we can’t know one side of a polarity without knowing its opposite. When we pray for Peace, we create its opposite … War. Peace is the absence of conflict and requires war, the activation of conflict, to determine itself. We make War to create Peace. This polarity, (Peace/War) is so strong in our consciousness and so deeply embedded in our cells that it is guaranteed to work.
Perhaps we need a new prayer that doesn’t have such a great polarity attachment. The earth plane is a school where we learn through conflict and resistance. When we make resistance our teacher rather than our enemy, we can reduce conflict and advance as a civilization beyond war to a place called Paradise.
It is a good idea to sit down and examine what you are warring with in your life and in your mind. Write down your biggest conflicts and resistances. Ask yourself where are you rebelling. Discover what you are praying for, consciously or unconsciously, and then look for the opposite side of your prayer to see what you are creating for yourself. The elimination of conflict comes when we embrace the conflict and its polarity. Accept the fact that you have the ability to advance beyond conflict, by including it in your experience rather than fighting with it.
by Beatrex | Mar 11, 2013 | Blog
We must come to the understanding that polarized energies are no longer valid. Now is the time to realign our polarities into duality and discover the validity of complementary energy fields. If you stay polarized, separation will occur and you may feel quite alone. The either-or game is no longer appropriate; it promotes vacillation that postpones life.
The key is to find where opposites can work together, rather than believing that you have to choose one or the other. Discover where you have strayed too far to the left or too far to the right in any situation and learn how both sides can serve you.
Remember, if you are only using one side of any equation there is an imbalance and you begin to justify your position from a place of righteousness. Righteousness is a judgment that makes the side you didn’t choose wrong. Making any side wrong creates polarity. The resulting separation keeps you in a space where you are defined by your position rather than your choice. Being on one side of any equation creates an imbalance. Look to see how your opposites can work as complements. Working with both sides asks you to expand, supersede and include rather than separate.
Learn to take advantage of the best of both worlds. This is duality. Duality is when opposites come together and work as a team. Teamwork and partnership are the keys to successful living.