Uncovering the Essence of Love with Tibetan Numerology
This comes from my Tibetan teacher who is no longer on this side. Since this is the month that opens to the idea of love with Valentine’s Day, I thought you all might enjoy how he used Tibetan Numerology to gather the essence of a word:
All words, regardless of what language we use, have numerological value. That is, each word in a language resonates to a particular frequency range of vibration. The letters in the word are links in the vibratory chain and tell us what the word is really meant to express or have us do to fulfill its meaning.
Love is a four-letter word. It has then, four links. Each link has to be taken in sequence. It is that sequence that defines how the manifested action of the word will flow. By following the vibratory sequence, we then have an absolute guide to the word’s meaning and the results we can achieve by using it.
Link #1 … The letter L = 3 … Creative.
The creative quality is not limited. It can follow a design if it likes, but more often than not, it follows its own natural flow. The first link tell us that love is not to be given a system or style other than that which we wish to apply. When two people meet, they find creative ways of attracting and interfacing. The more creative, the more chance love has to manifest. With no rules to worry about, two people can find the unique and exciting elements of each other.
Link #2 … The letter O = 10 … Progressive.
Stagnation will defeat love energy just as well as it will defeat any form of growth. This link in the chain tells us to move onward. It warns against repetition and apathy. It opens the door to unlimited possibilities and urges us to find new places and expressions. It transforms us from the usual and expected to the innovative and spontaneous.
Link #3 … The letter V = 9 … Emotions.
Love, to be love, must be felt. The emotions conveyed and heightened by the five physical senses are what this link brings to our attention. Sometimes it is joy, sometimes pain, but always a consuming awareness that we are involved in something deeper than our intellect and stronger than our desires. We are asked to transform physical emotions into spiritual emotions and find love on its highest level. Only then will we understand its complete meaning.
Link #4 … The letter E = 5 … Energy.
Love is not static. It is a powerful force, generating more energy as it is used. It is a perpetual motion machine, a nuclear power plant; a galactic nova. It is never content to just be. It must find new mountains to climb, new adventures to pursue. It welcomes challenge as it brings out the best in us.
The next time you ask yourself if you’re in love, ask yourself if you are creative, progressive, emotional and energetic about the relationship. If the answer is, “yes”, then proceed with confidence. You may have found the right person to be with.”
– GT