Cosmic Check-In: Saturn in Capricorn
As we round the bend toward 2018, it is time to become aware of a major game-changer energy that we will be living with during 2018. After a three-year stay, Saturn is moving out of Sagittarius, which had a flattening effect on adventure and inspiration. It is good to note that Saturn is the Karmic Technician in the zodiac, working diligently to keep us in the logical world by constantly reporting to us what’s wrong, not what’s right. This has been very a difficult experience—having the “flat iron” of Saturn flattening all the wrinkles out of any optimism, resulting in a defeatism attitude that seems to have penetrated race consciousness, into vast and extreme exhaustion.
Hold on to your hats—the good news that on December 19th Saturn moved into Capricorn and at long last he is home, after 27 years! For the last few weeks Saturn has been void and living under the Galactic Gateway along with Mercury Retrograde, leaving us with zero grounding to hold such chaos. So Mercury is out of retrograde now and Saturn is home at last! Let’s let the dust settle and recalibrate into the new version of “Self”, so life can now catch up with itself and become new. Remember Saturn leaves us with a choice around responsibility and self-fulfillment. Remember if you are blaming outside yourself, you are avoiding responsibility and fulfillment can’t be realized. Saturn is the leader of the patrilocal aspect of life and all that is changing.
Resistance is exhausting and now that Saturn is home, an alignment is possible in government and world systems. I would expect a coming together in the long haul. The United States is astrologically a Cancer and opposite Capricorn, meaning that the two aspects are on different ends of the same baton. This pairing promotes the underbelly of Cancer to merge with the shadow aspects supported by Capricorn. I am holding the space for this long-awaited union to present us with an integration on many levels. Freedom comes to those who accept responsibility and remove blame from their experience. I am ready to be fulfilled