Uncapping the Power of February

Uncapping the Power of February

February has a special magic in it for those who want to allow themselves to experience the highroad. This month is filled with many concepts intertwining into a big ball of yarn that may take the entire year to unwind.

The Sun is in Aquarius—time connect with your vision and get ready to pick out your Dream Team. While picking, consider their response to, *Opportunity *Brotherhood *Uniqueness *Self Reliance.


  • We have the 5 month Jupiter mystery asking us to recalibrate our power, or the lack of power, leftover from 2004. Questions to ask yourself: “Where was my home then?” “How was my health?” “Who was my love partner?” Locate a place where your power was in each of those areas. Come to know the difference.


  • Year of the Monkey sets the stage for good fortune through agility in your career activating wealth and good fortune. Flexibility and versatility are the markers for success in all areas. Impatience and a short fuse will make set-backs happen. Watch out for pouncing on those below you to get attention and superiority portrayed by copping an attitude that looks down on others.


  • The South Node (our tool box from the past) conjunct with Chiron (the wounded healer) asking us to recalibrate what we consider to be our wounds, so that they will no longer hinder our perception of “the now.” We must reconcile with the pain in our body as a glorified need to be ruled by our past, thus keeping our vision from manifesting. It is time to remember that our body is our karmic storage bin that gets filled with unrealized data that we were unable to process at the time. So the South Node conjunct with Chiron is here to assist us in cleaning out the clutter in our body. So we can live in the now and manifest the blessings available to us in the year of generosity. This will be ongoing throughout the year. Remember, emptiness has power in it.


  • The North Node (future focus) connected to Jupiter (Abundance *Good Fortune) This is happening in Virgo, the healing/service constellation. We will come to know health as wealth and service as good fortune. It will be our generosity that will feed the heart of health and service. Let’s Let the games begin!
2014: The Year of the Horse

2014: The Year of the Horse

January 30th at 1:38 pm PST The New Moon in Aquarius brings us to a new level of awareness by opening the gateway for the Year of the Wood Horse. The Year of the Horse is considered auspicious in many ways; symbolically the Horse represents the power of action, mobility, and strength. It points us in the direction of freedom, independence, and happiness. It is highly energized and will take us on a ride beyond our wildest dreams. The key here is to take your controlling hands off the reigns and enjoy the ride. Slowing the Horse down will get nowhere and leave you behind in the dust.

The last two years we have been swimming in the Water element, facing deep emotional issues with the Dragon and the Snake. These reptiles have been presenting us with second dimensional power known as survival. This survival process revealed to us many emotions and feeling from lifetimes to transform, transmute, and accept as part of our primal self. The Dragon brought to a place where we could pierce the veil of illusion and remove our ego attachment to that illusion. The Snake brought us the ability to transform so that our personal evolution could occur.

We now are on solid ground and get to ride the Horse. It is a Wood Horse; the element of Wood will teach us how to contain our watery emotional-creative process and manifest a magnetic field for receiving gifts. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime.