End Peace as a Polarity: Pray for Paradise

End Peace as a Polarity: Pray for Paradise

Peace is a polarity. Opposites (polarities) work hand-in-hand, so when we focus on one aspect of a polarity we give energy to the opposite end of the polarity. In other words, we can’t know one side of a polarity without knowing its opposite. When we pray for Peace, we create its opposite … War. Peace is the absence of conflict and requires war, the activation of conflict, to determine itself. We make War to create Peace. This polarity, (Peace/War) is so strong in our consciousness and so deeply embedded in our cells that it is guaranteed to work.

Perhaps we need a new prayer that doesn’t have such a great polarity attachment. The earth plane is a school where we learn through conflict and resistance. When we make resistance our teacher rather than our enemy, we can reduce conflict and advance as a civilization beyond war to a place called Paradise.

It is a good idea to sit down and examine what you are warring with in your life and in your mind. Write down your biggest conflicts and resistances. Ask yourself where are you rebelling. Discover what you are praying for, consciously or unconsciously, and then look for the opposite side of your prayer to see what you are creating for yourself. The elimination of conflict comes when we embrace the conflict and its polarity. Accept the fact that you have the ability to advance beyond conflict, by including it in your experience rather than fighting with it.



I give up my investment in being right. I accept myself as I am. I release blame and accept myself as the source of my experience. I know I am love, even when I am not. I find peace in my truths. I speak my truth to determine my peace. I set boundaries and allow others to do the same. I no longer live for others, I live for myself. I accept and embrace change as adventure. I see my experience as knowledge. I know that all that comes toward me is merely a reflection of me, whether I like it or not. I multiply quality, laughter, joy, beauty and ideas. I know my creativity is my key to being fruitful. I accept life as fun and laughter as healing. I stop taking myself seriously. I know my answers are within. I accept myself as an authority on me. I allow others to be their own authority. I stop living other peoples’ lives and live my own life. I give up control and bring in flexibility. I accept  responsibility for my creative power.  I allow my light to bring me awareness. I know and accept my duality and my polarity. I accept the paradoxes in myself, in others and in life. I know my free will is my gift; and I accept the choices that come with my free will. I take my power in all situations rather than letting things happen to me. I recognize my victories and acknowledge my accomplishments. I accept the fact that there is no one else like me. I allow my uniqueness, my identity and my originality to be a source of celebration. I know I have the power to manifest in every moment. I know flow requires opposites. I accept my opposites as a source of motivation. I interpret life for myself. I listen to my inner voice. I know I am the point of my own power. I risk reason for an experience. I let my past reconstruct behind me and move on. I give up reviewing and get into vision. I turn my fear into faith. I turn my judgment into understanding. I let negativity flow through me, not become me. I know I am the source of my life, my love and my experience. I am completely self-determined and give others the same right.

 I Am Love, I Am Light, I Am Life, I Am Peace, I Am Power,
I Am Beauty, I Am Harmony, I Am Abundance. I Am Joy.