A New Perspective on Freedom

A New Perspective on Freedom


My big word for today: Freedom. Feeling frustration with the choices I’ve made that I imagine limit my freedom. Curious what Beatrex has to say about what freedom means in the 4D/5D world. Why do I imagine that freedom will lead to loss and lack of love? This feels like a big piece coming up for healing and new perspective.


In Numerology Freedom is a 2/5/7…this is quite interesting to me. The number 2 in the spiritual indicates that freedom must be inspired by your spiritual nature and is influenced by balance. In other words freedom comes to those who do not allow themselves to be polarized by judgment. Harmony is the spiritual nature of freedom.

Mentally Freedom is a 5, this is the number of action, motion, variety, change, and expansion. “When one’s mind is expanded it is a free mind.” A free mind is not stuck—it is open and willing to change on a dime because it is free.

Physically the number is a 7. Seven is the number of the mind when it is its higher levels of intelligence because it can see the bigger picture. Knowledge is acquired in the physical when a lesson is experienced. This intelligence can look at options and can make choices knowing full well that in a state of freedom choices and options never stop.

4+5D requires us to accept freedom as a choice. 3D Freedom brings on resistance and a feeling of limitation which requires rebellion in order to make freedom happen. Rebellion leads to regret, self-doubt, and discouragement—all 3D Soul Suffering States of Being that are becoming extinct.

Use the following “Five Steps to Freedom” as journal prompts, to write away your perceived blocks to freedom from a 3D point of view. When we work with the concept of freedom we are soon presented with resistance. Freedom presents a pathway for us to bump directly into our limitations. When we can become aware of these limits, we can then find our way to freedom. The following are ideas that might assist you in seeing deeper into your resistance to accepting freedom into your life. Once you discover these you might want to add more to your Freedom List in the Moon Book.

  1. Feeling Useless. This happens when you measure yourself by what others think of you.
  2. Discouragement. This occurs when you blame others instead of taking responsibility for your part in a situation.
  3. Regret. This happens when you live inside past events and continue to rehearse your story, hoping that if you tell it enough, it will get resolved. Living in the past leads to regret and blocks you from freedom.
  4. Limitation. This happens when we think that there is no way out of a challenge, which creates an inability to see options. When options are out of the picture we become unable to create positive outcomes.
  5. Self-Doubt. This takes place when we think that others are better than we are. Growing cannot occur when we have given someone else our ceiling.

Last but not least, 4+5D freedom is freedom from judgment. Freedom from the need to be right. Freedom from your perception of the past and freedom from your perception of the future. Freedom lives in ‘the now’! The ticket to ‘the now’ is acceptance!